The series follows Seventeen-year-old Hajime Nagumo, your average everyday high school otaku. However, his simple life of sleeping in school is suddenly turned upside down when he, along with the rest of his class, is summoned to a fantasy world! They're treated like heroes and tasked with the duty of saving the human race from utter extinction. While the rest of his class are blessed with godlike powers, Hajime's job, Synergist, only has a single transmutation skill. Ridiculed and bullied by his classmates for being weak, he soon finds himself in despair. During a dungeon raid, he is betrayed by one of his classmates and dropped to the bottom of the dungeon Will he succumb to this dangerous world of monsters or will he become the worlds strongest?
Season 7 Episode 1 is now here, with a Full length podcast broken down into segments covering a variety of topics. The round table...
Season 8 Episode 1 is now here, with a Full length podcast broken down into segments covering a variety of topics. At the round...
Story time with Pooh Bear is a new segment where he takes you on an adventure of What's hot and what's not. This segment...