This Shonen anime series takes us to a time where magic and knights strive to protect their kingdom from supernatural beings. Black Clover follows Asta and Yuno, two abandoned orphans brought up as brothers turned rivals in pursuit to become the wizard king. However, the title is only preserved for a single mage.
When they reach the age of 15, Yuno is bestowed a spectacular Grimoire with a four-leaf clover, while Asta receives nothing, until he saves Yuno from being attacked by a wizard capable of killing them both with ease. Asta received a tattered grimoire where a devil lies within, a five-leaf clover grimoire. The stage is set to see who will become the strongest wizard king in history.
Fista Cuffs is our one on one anime battle with Midwest Anime Show hosts going head to head. In todays battle we have the...
Fista Cuffs is our one on one anime battle with Midwest Anime Show hosts going head to head. We have the dream battle that...