Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] Speaker A: Transition, man.
[00:00:00] Speaker B: Come on.
[00:00:04] Speaker C: That's why I was saying conspiracy. I was going over to you. So Liam was how was not? So my apologies. I didn't know. You know, I think you better boom and jump me in there. But it's all good.
So since I usually have host and I usually try not to go first on what's hot, what's not. So I'm actually going to conspiracy on this one first. So what you got on? What's hot, what's nothing.
[00:00:25] Speaker A: What's hot, what's not?
Well, actually, season two of Goblin slayers actually hot because I actually started it. They're actually introducing a new character, which is the wizard boy. I think that he's going to actually turn out to be the apprentice of the Goblin Slayer because he actually had the same type of tragedy that the Goblin Slayer had. I. But it was on like a little bit of a different level. And since his, he actually has abilities like magic, he can actually cast magic in Spellcaster. And so I think that that's really going to play a deep role in season two, is going to give the Goblin Slayer more depth. So I'll probably let it build up a little bit more. But that's definitely, I feel like that that's going to be hot. Season two is going to be hot because of how it's starting. I like it lot. I think that is going to dive more into truly building out their world and, you know, them going up another layer when it comes to, you know, just showing their development right in their world and him as a person.
So that is definitely my was hide. Go ahead and start season two if you haven't started season two of God Slayer. My what's not DLC always getting angry at me.
So I'm gonna go ahead and say my what's not is spy family.
[00:01:57] Speaker B: Oh, wow. Yeah.
[00:02:01] Speaker A: Yeah. Saying, so here's the kicker.
Here's the kicker. I like spy family. I do. I like the, I like the actual, the whole point. I like the story, how they're trying to go with it. I like the concept. Let me say, I like the concept of Spy family. I like most of the characters. I do not even like the little girl.
[00:02:25] Speaker B: I like the little girl.
[00:02:26] Speaker A: My only gripe and the reason why it's my what's not because I got to throw this out here. This is my only thing that I dislike really about it is how they do the little girl. I think she hurts it for me, the show, because I was expecting her, because she has that innate ability. Right. I was expecting them to do more with that ability or with her, like, maybe training and becoming a spy or becoming an assassin, taking, like, the best of both worlds, you know, then becoming more of a family or her, like, learning more from them. Not her being such an idiot, but.
[00:03:04] Speaker B: Actually, you know what I mean?
[00:03:05] Speaker A: Like, actually learn from. So she could become, like, better and kind of, like, take over for them or kind of take up where they lack. So, like, she's doing things in the background, in the shadows they ain't got no idea about, and she's kind of, like, cleaning up they mess, you know, as she's being, like, I have no problem with her being goofy, things like that. I have no problem with that. It's the fact that I feel like that they make her dumb and they just keep her like that. And that really hurts the story for me, in my own personal opinion. So that's why that's my. What's not.
[00:03:39] Speaker C: Oh, wow.
[00:03:40] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:03:41] Speaker C: Okay, man. That's.
[00:03:43] Speaker B: Whoo.
[00:03:43] Speaker C: I wasn't expecting, uh.
I was expecting that for sure. Ah, yeah. Pooper. Yeah. Chris brothers. Yeah, I wasn't expecting them to go there on five, so you go ahead, sir.
[00:03:57] Speaker B: I see Mount my. What's hot right now? Of course, it's just me. Um, a Shangri la frontier. I don't know if y'all started watching crunchyroll.
[00:04:07] Speaker C: Yeah, break it down for.
See if it was worth something. So I haven't watched it.
[00:04:14] Speaker B: I think. I think it's shaping up. I think it's only, like, three or four episodes in right now. So this guy, he's a. This is more like a gaming type of deal. They don't get transferred and kind of puts you, like, a sword art online without them being trapped. So I guess in their. Their world, there's people who are, like, certain people who play games that have bugs in them. Like, it makes them harder to beat. So there's just, like, a niche of people. Like, all they do is find these trash games. They have, like, tons of bugs. It's hard to beat. Make it their priority to beat them. Like. Like, they'll spend, like, hours, even if it takes years to do it. Well, this one guy. Cameras. Dang. Name?
Shariko something. Sharuto something like that.
He's like, an expert at this. Like. Like, so there's a community. So, like, everybody. Community knows who's. Who he is. And, uh, he just got through beating this one trash game. It's a lot. One of those love story games.
I guess one of the characters that's supposed to help you. She's really bugged. And. But at the end, he finally beats it, and he turns around, he beats the hell out of her. He finds joy out of it. So then he goes, yeah. So I think he's beaten, like, every trash game that's come out now. So he goes to the kind of like a gamestop the game is store, and he asked the owners, like, hey, I finally beat it. What you got for me? And she was like, well, I mean, you kind of pretty much decimated all the trash games, you know, that's kind of out there. He said, how about you change it up a little bit? They just came out with a virtual game. It's called Shane rely frontier.
He said, the baby said, nope, snow bugs. But it's supposed to be like, like, top notch. Kind of like a world of war crash. Like, it's supposed to be like the top tier. It's up there hard. Like, people.
It's not like a tutorial. Like, you just got to get in and you got to figure it out. And he's like, you know what? I give it a try. So he goes in. I think he sets all his abilities low on purpose just to, like, make it fun for him.
I think he puts on, like, this bird mask, and he walks around kind of naked in his. Basically his boxes.
[00:06:44] Speaker C: Okay.
[00:06:45] Speaker B: So I'm not gonna go more into detail in that, just in case. If you want to watch it, I want to make a little bit more surprise, but so far, it's going pretty, pretty good. It's got my attention. I'm hoping it opens up more, but if it doesn't, then it's gonna go into the mid. My mid range. Just something to watch. But right now, I'm kind of enjoying it.
What's not? I actually don't have one this week because I've been kind of just. Yeah, watching my little watch list, all stuff, so.
[00:07:18] Speaker C: Okay.
[00:07:19] Speaker B: I'm just staying away from trash.
[00:07:23] Speaker C: Oh, no, you watch them vending machine stuff. So I can't say.
[00:07:29] Speaker B: Vending machine had rolls up from trash. To a me, it's something is better.
The pig one. Now. It rolls up a level dog, at least. At least called my interest. In the end, it was. It was cool. He actually did some stuff. But when you a pig dog, and that's. That's basically all you are, dog, you come back to life as a pig in another world. Now it's in his place. Trash.
[00:07:54] Speaker C: Yep. Thanks for that. All right, so I'm gonna start a little different for mine. I'm gonna start with what's not. You're saying. So. And the reason I'm gonna say this is because of the length. This has more to do with the length of the story. Rebirth of the urban immortal cultivator manga. So if you've never read the manga, like, it starts off really good. Like, I don't know what it is. I love the martial artists who have been alive for all these years.
Can you hear me?
[00:08:27] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:08:29] Speaker C: How's that? These martial artists who then went up to this immortal palace and come back, and they go back thousands of years, back to when they were humans. And this is one of them stories. Like, I enjoy the story, but the problem is, is this thing has 937 chapters and it's not ending anytime soon. So my what's not is because you don't know. Whoever's writing this, learn how to end it. It's okay. We know the dude is super op. Like, he's so op. Like, nobody can even scratch your hair on his head. Like, at some point, he's just gonna rule the universe and keep it moving or get back to what he was doing. So look, it can end, and it's okay. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. So that's why it's my. What's not. Because you gotta learn. It's just like one piece. At a certain point in time, you just gotta stop. Like, you can over saturate something.
[00:09:26] Speaker B: I gotta. One piece actually gets better.
[00:09:33] Speaker C: You can disagree. That's your choice. That is your opinion, sir.
Disagree about that one piece.
[00:09:39] Speaker B: Lovers unite. It's going strong, baby. We going strong with.
[00:09:44] Speaker C: Yeah, he. Yeah, he got a telegram account for y'all. Y'all can all talk together about this.
Anyway, now, my wit is kind of a unique. This is actually a unique manga. Not even anime. It's a unique manga. It's called Triple S class suicide hunter now.
[00:10:08] Speaker B: Yeah, so I actually, this is actually.
[00:10:12] Speaker C: Yes, a manga. So what makes this unique is you. You got the, you know. You know how you have in their world. You got hunters, you got all that stuff. You got dungeons, you got all that. This guy is mad at his trash life. Why? Sucks and why, you know, like, these people, I think the people who have the powers who have been chosen by the tower and everything like that, once you get chosen by the tower, you get a power and things like that. Well, as he's praying and asking for power and all this, well, he does. He gets an SS class ability. And his ability is whoever he is killed by, he has the ability to come back to life and get one of their abilities of he can't choose this random. And so at first he's like, this is some b's who gets the ability. They gotta die to get right. And so the first two chapters, it's like, oh, man. It's like you see all these powerful people, and then the person he idolizes the most is a monster. Like, he is a psychopath killing people just for fun.
[00:11:19] Speaker B: Wait a minute.
[00:11:20] Speaker C: And there's about to be.
[00:11:21] Speaker B: Is this the one where he actually gives him a choice or different cards?
The ability. Oh, okay. That was dope. Yeah, yeah, I know some right now.
[00:11:31] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. And for the audience who don't know, like, so he sees his person he loves and idolizes about to create a situation with a chick, and he goes over there and he watches his idol murder her. And then he ends up getting murdered by his idol, but by doing so, he ends up gaining at random. He didn't know what it is. He knew he had the ability. He didn't believe it. But he dies and he grabs one of the guys ability. And basically the guy's ability allows him to basically rewind time for 24 hours even if he dies. So basically he's immortal. Anytime he dies, if he dies by a person, he can come back 24 hours prior, and then he can select one of their abilities. But if you die by the same person, you can't get another card to select. So what does this crazy dude do? He's like, I got this ability now 24 hours ago. And he was like, no wonder this guy was so strong. This guy is terrible. And he literally kills himself 4090 times to go back 20 years into the past, which if that don't tell you nothing about his determination to be not trash. He killed himself that many times to go back 20 years. And it's a really good read, so I don't want to give it all away. Like I said, I gave you his initial abilities, but, you know, that's, uh, that was really it, so.
But that's my what's hot was not, you know, I'm saying, so, hey, look, go pick it up. Great manga. And if you heard me talk about that, my what's not? And you're the author of such said manga, please stop. It's okay. Please stop. Go create a new project. Okay? Thank you.
Go do something else, man, with your time.
All right, guys, like, subscribe, comment. Tell us what you love, man. You know what I'm saying? We on our way out for this week. Hopefully the professor will be back next.
[00:13:39] Speaker A: Week, hopefully share all that good stuff Mandy saying. So see y'all next time. Next episode is gonna be amazing. Let us know if you want us to do something special.
[00:13:48] Speaker B: Oh, so now what's what not is that. It's called Booter river. That's the pig. Don't watch it. Stay away. Vuta reba. Don't do it. Don't you do it. Bam, baby.
Don't do it. Exactly.