Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] Speaker A: Anime world. I'm your host with the most mister conspiracy, bringing to you the Midwest anime show where we discuss anime flavors at the round Table. Fist of cuffs, that's legit. And dropping news about what's hot and what's not. Now, I may not look it, but my power level is way over 9000. So please, like, share and subscribe. Let's go.
[00:00:27] Speaker B: So before we get out of here, Mister Conspiracy, I'm going to go ahead and jump into. What are you reading? What you like, what you hot? What's hot? What's not hot? What you got? You know what I'm saying?
[00:00:40] Speaker C: I'm going to have to go ahead and say that. Solo leveling. If you have not read that manga, you need to go ahead and pick it up and do so because next year they're going to make it into an anime and it's going to be on Crunchyroll. So you want to get ahead of that right now. And they just started updating that manga again.
It is amazing. If you think demon Slayer is good, if you think like, Naruto and those type of anime are good, then you want to go ahead and read this manga so you can be ready for that to come out next year.
[00:01:10] Speaker B: Okay, that's what I got.
All right, Christopher Robbins, what you got? What you got for us? What you got?
[00:01:17] Speaker D: As far as this pick, I ain't got nothing bad to say. I wholeheartedly agree.
[00:01:21] Speaker B: Oh, no, it's your pick. It's what's hot. What's not.
[00:01:25] Speaker D: One per.
[00:01:26] Speaker B: Are we only doing one? I'm sorry. If I. Go ahead. I'm sorry. Don't pay no attention to me. I'm just hosting.
[00:01:34] Speaker D: You, by the way. Yeah, listen, solo leveling. I've read the manga. I'm on my third time, and now, like conspiracy said, now on the season, two of it, I cannot wait. They better do it right. That's all I got to say. They better do it justice. Cause I'm gonna write a strong letter.
[00:01:55] Speaker B: A strong letter. You know who to mail it to, huh? You know, strong letter.
Gotcha. Sticky honey. All right, professor, what you got for us?
[00:02:06] Speaker E: Oh, man. Without question, my favorite manga of all time. It's so leveling. Enough said. I can't wait for the anime to come out. You know what I'm saying? I only read through it once, but, you know, I'm read through the manga again just to get ready. Yeah, it's a much read. Hopefully it's gonna be a much. It's gonna be a much c. So just wait for it to come out.
[00:02:26] Speaker B: So here's my thing. I feel like there's a lot of hype behind solo level, and I pray that it can live up to the hype right? I mean, to me, it's got the level of hype LeBron James had coming into the NBA. You know what I'm saying? That's. That's how hype people are for solo level. And to y'all's point, I hope it's. Well, I mean, to your point, it's one of my favorite mangas all time. I really hope they get it right. If not, you're gonna have a lot of pissed off people out here, especially because, you know, I'm looking forward to it next year. I'm mad they pushed it back to 2024 instead of 2023 release, but I. Listen, I want you to take your time and get it right. So if you haven't, please go read the manga. You know, donate to the author, the artist, his team who put out solo leveling, please.
It's good stuff is good quality. And, you know, I hope. I hope they continue to keep pushing it out. Just don't give me a bunch of filler garbage in the anime. That's all I'm asking, though.
How you roll Hills paradise. Give me a solid twelve episodes of some greatness. But that's. That's our section for what's hot, what's not.
Hey, listen, we appreciate y'all for tuning in every Friday to the Midwest anime show. And I. Listen, if you haven't been on our merch, somewhere up here, there's something you can buy. You know, I'm saying donate to the channel. Hey, listen, help us keep putting out content and let us know who you want to see for these anime fisticuffs. Let us know that Animan manga you want us to talk about, right? Because this show ain't just about us. It's about y'all. So we appreciate you. And to my co host, Mister Conspiracy, Christopher Robins, aka Pooh Bear and the professor, I bid you ado tonight.
[00:04:19] Speaker D: No relationship.